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How to TryParse for Enum value?

I want to write a function which can validate a given value (passed as a string) against possible values of an enum . In the case of a match, it should return the enum instance; otherwise, it should return a default value. ...

Dynamic variable names in Bash

... you give the name, a fact which can be exploited in conjunction with here-strings: IFS= read -r -d '' "$name" <<< 'babibab' echo "$var_37" # outputs “babibab\n” The IFS part and the option -r make sure that the value is assigned as-is, while the option -d '' allows to assign multi-li...

split string only on first instance of specified character

In my code I split a string based on _ and grab the second item in the array. 17 Answers ...

Using sections in Editor/Display templates

...wo helpers: public static class HtmlExtensions { public static MvcHtmlString Script(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, Func<object, HelperResult> template) { htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Items["_script_" + Guid.NewGuid()] = template; return MvcHtmlString.Empty; } ...

Why can't Python parse this JSON data?

... That is why your text is type unicode not string. Most time it is better to have text in unicode for german umlauts and for sharing text results with other modules/programs etc. . So you're good! – Michael P Aug 29 '15 at 11:56 ...

JavaScript open in a new window, not tab

...200" which perform opening in a new window. This is simply the fact to put extra parameter (location, status etc.... it doesn't matter) – Peter Nov 28 '15 at 11:28 ...

Allow user to select camera or gallery for image

...+ File.separator + "MyDir" + File.separator); root.mkdirs(); final String fname = Utils.getUniqueImageFilename(); final File sdImageMainDirectory = new File(root, fname); outputFileUri = Uri.fromFile(sdImageMainDirectory); // Camera. final List<Intent> cameraIntents = ...

Why do we use __init__ in Python classes?

...ike add or __init__) purpose is to describe how to convert the object to a string, like when you print it out. share | improve this answer | follow ...

What is the preferred syntax for defining enums in JavaScript?

...ing ({ monday: {}, etc. means that if you convert that object to JSON via stringify you'll get [{"day": {}}] which isn't gonna work. – jcollum Feb 1 '13 at 0:20 ...

Format floats with standard json module

...t the json module seems to assume all custom types should be serialized as strings. Ie: you end up with the Javascript string "0.33" in the output, not the number 0.33. There may be a way yet to make this work, but it's harder than it looks. ...