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When is CRC more appropriate to use than MD5/SHA1?

... CRC works fine for detecting random errors in data that might occur, for example, from network interference, line noise, distortion, etc. CRC is computationally much less complex than MD5 or SHA1. Using a hash function like MD5 is probably overkill for r...

How can I generate an MD5 hash?

... The compute the hash by doing one of: Feed the entire input as a byte[] and calculate the hash in one operation with md.digest(bytes). Feed the MessageDigest one byte[] chunk at a time by calling md.update(bytes). When you're done adding input bytes, calculate the hash with md.digest(). The by...

How to get MD5 sum of a string using python?

... The Python 3 version should be used in Python 2 as well. @JeffHu expanding on what @MaxU said, the md5 function takes a bytestring and does not accept unicode. Python 3 is (correctly) strict/explicit, and so a an str ("") is unicode and has to be encoded to a bytestring. Strings in python2 ...

Is MD5 still good enough to uniquely identify files?

...ugh method to uniquely identify it given all the breaking of MD5 algorithm and security issues etc? Security is not my primary concern here, but uniquely identifying each file is. ...

boost多索引容器multi_index_container实战 - C/C++ - 泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

boost多索引容器multi_index_container实战boost多索引容器multi_index_container用法详解、性能测试等。目录: boost多索引容器multi_index_container详解 boost多索引容器multi_index_container架构图 boost多索引容器multi_index_container性能测试 原文地...

node.js hash string?

...n satisfactory. Compatibility with the npm ecosystem is a high priority, and will not be broken unless absolutely necessary. So, it should be considered safe to use the native implementation, without external dependencies. For reference, the modules mentioned bellow were suggested as alternativ...

How can I get the MD5 fingerprint from Java's keytool, not only SHA-1?

...wing code:- C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin>keytool -v -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore debug.keystore -storepass android -keypass android it will output MD5 certificate as well. share | ...

Getting error: Peer authentication failed for user “postgres”, when trying to get pgsql working with

...rks by obtaining the client's operating system user name from the kernel and using it as the allowed database user name (with optional user name mapping). This method is only supported on local connections. Password authentication The password-based authentication methods are md5 and pas...

How can I get device ID for Admob

I'm using Eclipse to develop applications for android, and I want to integrate Admob to make money. The tutorial says I should watch the LogCat to find ID, but where is it? ...

Why is an MD5 hash created by Python different from one created using echo and md5sum in the shell?

A Python MD5 hash is different than the one created by the md5sum command on the shell. Why? 1 Answer ...